
What Should You Do If You Are Following A Wounded Animal And You Lose The Trail?

Tips for Tracking Wounded Deer

Every deer hunter I know continually strives to be a better 1. In general, hunters are very ethical and care deeply about the game animals they hunt. So when a shot doesn't become as expected and you're all of a sudden looking at a deer blood trail with no known finish, information technology's a devastating feeling. Thwarting, guilt, and uncertainty are there, no doubt. Merely and then a feeling of resolve also kicks in. You lot know you will exercise everything possible to find that animate being. Tracking deer – and tracking wounded deer especially – is an important skill yous need as a hunter.

No affair how careful y'all are (with a bow or firearm), you will likely brand a bad shot one 24-hour interval. Unpredictable things happen. An unseen co-operative may deflect an arrow slightly, the deer may turn quickly equally you shoot, etc. When yous observe yourself in that situation, feel those emotions momentarily. They're practiced and remind you that yous Exercise take a sense of ideals and respect for the animal. Only so use these tips for tracking wounded deer to exhaust every avenue you have. You owe that much to the brute.

Step i: Deer Reaction

The first pace in tracking wounded deer is paying attending to how the deer reacts when you shoot and which direction it runs. While not a guarantee, you tin can potentially selection up some clues that will help you lot later. And take a follow-up shot if you get a chance!

  • While bow hunting, if the deer jumps up in the air and kicks its hind legs (oft called a "mule kicking"), that can hateful you made a good shot in the middle or lungs. Deer that react this manner usually dice within 100 yards. With firearms, it seems to knock the power out of them, and I've never had a deer hit in the heart or lungs spring this way; rather, they sprint off low to the ground.
  • When the deer lowers its head and hunches its torso upwards every bit information technology runs off later an arrow makes contact, that can exist an indication you hit it further back in the liver or guts.
  • And if the deer simply stands still or premises away with its tail held loftier, you probably missed.

Make a mental notation of where the animal was continuing when you lot shot. Additionally, the last spot you saw the deer before it went out of sight. About wounded deer volition generally run off and bed downwardly within a couple hundred yards. As long equally you don't push information technology, nigh will die in that first bed. Which brings us to step 2…

Stride 2: Take a Snack

Seriously. Unless you literally watched the deer autumn down in sight, you demand to give it fourth dimension. Getting down from a tree stand too soon and blood abaft deer tin button it from its starting time bed. That surge of adrenaline is oft what lets a deer escape to dice somewhere else. Oftentimes, a jell will plug up the exit hole, leaving yous with no blood trail to follow. And that'due south a horrible state of affairs to be in. And so sit downward, replay the shot in your mind, reflect on the experience, quietly pack up your hunting gear, and calmly have a little snack.

Even for a suspected middle/lung shot (the all-time of all shot scenarios), await at least fifteen to 20 minutes before you get down (check your phone or sentinel right away and so you know when y'all shot). If yous're pretty sure the shot was farther dorsum from the vitals, you might have to wait a few hours or overnight before tracking wounded deer. Either stay in your tree stand or quietly slip out of the wood to come up back later. It makes no sense to chase a deer farther away and brand your claret trailing job tougher. They will typically die within a couple hundred yards, as long every bit yous merely give them time to do so.

Step 3: Investigate the Scene

Afterwards waiting 20 minutes or then, quietly cheque out the ground where y'all shot information technology for any deer sign. You volition probable find broken branches, overturned leaves, and deeper deer tracks when the deer of a sudden ran off. Mark this spot with some flagging tape or toilet newspaper, so you know where to render to if needed. Hopefully, yous will besides find deer hair or deer blood nearby. If yous do, accept a look at the hairs and claret consistency.

  • Many long white baby-sit hairs likely indicate you hit low and shot a deer in the brisket or low on the stomach. The odds aren't groovy when yous find that, but keep looking until the trail runs cold.
  • Finding just a few brown hairs, on the other paw, indicates a body shot of some kind. That could be a proficient sign.
  • The blood consistency is a great manner to tell where you hitting the deer too. I comprehend that in more detail hither.

Come across Blood Abaft Deer for more than information on this process.

That existence said, I shot a cadet a few years ago during the rifle season that still blows my mind. In several inches of fresh snow, I could non find a single drop of blood anywhere near the shot site. I just followed its tracks or signs of broken branches where it crossed other deer tracks (indicating 1 deer was in a hurry). After continuing this for 75-100 yards, I found the buck lying dead. I had shot him loftier behind one shoulder, which was a double lung shot. Just since he was quartering away from me, the bullet lodged in his opposite shoulder and never came out, leaving no claret sign on the ground until where he fell.

If you find no blood, go on post-obit the tracks equally long as you can. But hopefully you lot will likewise notice little blood droplets, hair, or chunks of fatty/tallow, which let you lot know yous're on the right deer trail.

tracking wounded deer

Step 4: Keep Slowly

When you start tracking wounded deer, it's like shooting fish in a barrel to go hyper-focused on the sign. Your eyes start scanning everything for more clues. And in this sense, information technology's also piece of cake to get distracted. In the case of marginal shots, a wounded deer might be bedded upwards alee of you. If you go on following the sign, yous might bump the deer out of its bed before y'all tin can get another shot. This tin seriously risk your chances of finding it again. So take your fourth dimension every bit y'all proceed, and terminate frequently to scan ahead with binoculars or your rifle scope.

As well, try to stay off to the side of the trail while y'all rails a wounded deer. Ideally, y'all don't want to destroy the show with your feet in case you need to come dorsum and reference it. While deer tin can be unpredictable, yous can utilize their final known direction of travel in a pinch. When you completely lose the deer trail, continue forward a few steps and scan for more sign, such every bit overturned leaves (image beneath). Oft, y'all volition discover a new track or driblet of blood on a slice of grass – something to go along you moving forrad.

tracking wounded deer trail

When you can't notice whatsoever more than sign, at that place'due south one more than trick you tin try. First, hang a lid or necktie some flagging tape/toilet paper on a branch above your concluding known claret or sign. Slowly circle that area and increase the altitude away each fourth dimension, and you can unremarkably observe another clue forth ane of those concentric circles.

Step 5: Dumb Luck

If all else fails and you lose the blood trail/tracks completely, sometimes it comes down to sheer effort and impaired luck. Recall some friends or family members and see if anyone can help you do a grid search of the expanse. Go to the concluding known sign of blood or track and spread out every ten yards or and then. Go on forward slowly scanning everything in between you and your partner.

Where legal, hunting dogs are a great asset for finding wounded deer too. Paying attention to lots of crows, ravens, or coyotes calling in the distance tin can also exist an indicator they found the deer before you did. Fifty-fifty if the shot wasn't keen, y'all will commonly discover the deer if you lot spend enough time filigree searching for it. The sense of relief you feel when finally finding a deer at the terminate of the trail is almost overwhelming. But don't blitz up to it. Set up your weapon for another shot in case it gets up again, and slowly motility forward. If you can gently impact the deer'south eye with your burglarize muzzle or an arrow, congratulations on finding your deer.

tracking wounded deer buck

If yous don't detect it, on the other manus, you volition eventually have to call the search off. It's a gut-wrenching decision I've thankfully just had to make twice in my life. Try not to be besides hard on yourself. Y'all volition inevitably replay the scenario endless times in your listen. And then employ that to effort to figure out what went wrong or what you could do differently the adjacent time. Learn from it and employ it the next time you're tracking wounded deer. Remember that hunting skills aren't instantaneous – they accept time and practice to build.


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