
B. When Would The Frank-starling Law Be Of Importance In The Intact Animal?

In their 1926 publication, E. H. Starling and M. B. Visscher wrote

Experiments carried out in this laboratory have shown that in an isolated centre, beating with a abiding rhythm and well supplied with blood, the larger the diastolic volume of the heart (within physiological limits) the greater is the energy of its contraction. It is this holding which accounts for the marvelous adaptability of the eye, completely separated from the central nervous system, to varying load…. (eleven)

This view was adopted by the subsequent generations of physiologists and still prevails in modern textbooks of physiology, which describe

the Frank-Starling law of the center as the principal machinery by which the center adapts to changing inflow of blood. When the cardiac musculus becomes stretched an extra corporeality, as it does when extra amounts of blood enter the eye chambers, the stretched muscle contracts with a greatly increased force, thereby automatically pumping the extra blood into the arteries. (6)

In this review, I will testify that neither Otto Frank nor Ernest H. Starling made the first observations on the effect of filling pressure level on center role. I will present show that the essential features of this mechanism were discovered at Carl Ludwig's Physiological Institute at the University of Leipzig in the course of the beginning experiments on the isolated perfused frog heart long before Otto Frank and Ernest H. Starling started their own work. Their work will exist compared with these early findings.

The first observation and recording at Carl Ludwig's Physiological Institute

This phenomenon could only be discovered and studied on the isolated perfused centre. The first preparation was established at the constitute past Elias Cyon in 1866. The aorta of the isolated frog middle was connected to an artificial circulation. A side arm was inserted to enable pressure measurements with a manometer. It was a working center grooming with recirculation. The primary aim was to report the effect of temperature on the frequency and contraction of the center. It was observed that a sure degree of filling of the ventricle was necessary for the heart to produce a sufficient ejection volume (3). No records of the phenomenon were fabricated. Nonetheless, it tin be causeless that the feel was passed on to the subsequent young investigators who came to Leipzig to work in what was then the newly built and well-nigh modern physiological institute.

One of these was Joseph Coats from Glasgow, Scotland. To investigate the effects of the stimulation of the vagus, he did experiments in which this nerve was exposed from the spinal string to the heart. The preparation was a closed, nonrecirculating system in which the heart pumped the serum with which it was filled into a manometer. The regular and consequent excursions of the mercury reflected the force developed by the middle (2). In control experiments, the effect of filling force per unit area on the aamplitude of contractions was examined. The reference pressure was obtained when the heart was filled from a reservoir with serum before a clamp was airtight. This line, labeled gg (Fig. 1), represented the rest between the floating rod on top of the mercury cavalcade, the mercury, and the serum. When the filling pressure was increased upward to the diastolic pressure level H, the amplitude of contraction was high (hI). When the filling pressure was reduced to the diastolic pressure level H', the aamplitude was lower (h2). With each further reduction in filling pressure, the excursions decreased in amplitude (h3, h4, hV). When the original filling force per unit area was restored, the previous amplitude of wrinkle (hVi) was reestablished (Fig. i). This recording was made by Henry P. Bowditch, as acknowledged in a note in Coats' newspaper (2). Furthermore, it was observed, only not recorded, that the excursions became smaller in aamplitude when the filling pressure level was excessively elevated. Bowditch (1840–1911) continued the work on some other modification of the isolated frog heart and discovered the staircase ("Treppe") miracle, the all-or-none law of the heart, and the absolute refractory menstruum (1).


Effigy one. Issue of lowering the filling pressure level on diastolic pressure (H) and aamplitude of contraction (h) of the isolated frog heart. Restoration of amplitude when original filling pressure level was applied (from right to left) is shown. Recording made past H. P. Bowditch. Reprinted from Ref. 2.

The experiments of Otto Frank

Otto Frank (1865–1944) did virtually of his experiments in 1892–3 at Carl Ludwig'south Physiological Found, where the beginning observations had been made. He moved then from Leipzig to Munich, where he continued his studies in 1894 and published the results in 1895 (iv), the same year in which Carl Ludwig (1816–1895) died. He looked at the center from the viewpoint of skeletal muscle mechanics, substituting book and pressure for length and tension. Using an improved frog middle preparation, he inserted several valves, stopcocks, and manometers in the perfusion line, which enabled him to measure isovolumetric and isotonic contractions. With increasing filling of the frog ventricle, diastolic pressure was elevated at each step. Also, the maximal isovolumetric pressure increased (contractions 1–6; Fig. ii, left). Across a sure filling pressure, it decreased (contraction iv; Fig. 2, correct). Otto Frank compiled all of the data in the force per unit area-volume diagram that resulted in the diastolic pressure curve as well as in the curves of the isovolumetric and isotonic maxima. Subsequently, he was more than concerned with methodological issues, such as the structure of manometers and the careful mathematical assay of pressure curves recorded in the cardiovascular organization (v). Carl Wiggers, who visited Otto Frank in 1911, was and so impressed by his methods that he adopted and transferred them to the U.S. (12).


FIGURE 2. Effect of increasing initial filling of the frog heart on the isometric pressure curve. The peaks of the isometric force per unit area curves obtained in the ventricle rose with increasing initial filling (left). Beyond a certain level of filling, the ventricular force per unit area tiptop declined (curve 4, right). Reprinted from Ref. iv.

The experimental studies of Ernest Henry Starling, leading to the "constabulary of the middle"

Clearly, information technology was Ernest H. Starling (1866–1927) who did near of the experimental piece of work relating cardiac output to ventricular filling pressure. He used the domestic dog eye-lung preparation in which peripheral resistance could exist regulated independently of venous arrival. First, he determined the effect of peripheral resistance and venous pressure on cardiac output (nine). As a new parameter, heart volume was measured by inserting the heart hermetically into a brass cardiometer (8). When venous arrival was increased by elevating venous force per unit area (bottom curve; Fig. 3, left), diastolic heart volume and stroke volume increased (upper record; Fig. iii, left). Thus the heart was able to eject the increased volume against an unchanged peripheral resistance with only a slight increase in blood force per unit area (middle tracing; Fig. 3, left). When peripheral resistance was elevated (increase in arterial pressure level; center tracing; Fig. three, correct), there was also an increase in diastolic book that enabled the middle to squirt a normal stroke volume (upper recording; Fig. 3, right). In both cases, diastolic fiber length was increased. In a subsequent paper, it was shown that oxygen consumption of the isolated centre is adamant by its diastolic book and therefore by the initial length of its muscular fibers (the "police of the heart") (11).


FIGURE 3. Changes in ventricular volume (upper recording) when the venous inflow (B, left) or the peripheral resistance was suddenly raised (C, correct) in the canis familiaris heart-lung preparation. BP, arterial pressure level; VP, venous pressure. Increase in ventricular volume (ml) as measured by the cardiometer is registered as a downward deflection of the upper recording (from left to correct). Reprinted from Ref. 8.


The influence of diastolic filling on contraction amplitude (2) and cardiac output (3) was observed near xxx years earlier Otto Frank and almost 50 years earlier Ernest H. Starling by young scientists working in the Carl Ludwig'south Physiological Plant. Although other observations obtained there from the isolated frog eye such as the absolute refractory menstruum and the Treppe miracle (1) were recognized, the effect of filling pressure on heart office was not even mentioned past the subsequent investigators. One reason may be that the young investigators of the institute had only touched on the subject in control experiments. They did not pursue the phenomenon in more detail (Tabular array 1). Nevertheless, it was recorded (2) and described to some extent (2,3).

Table 1. Comparing of the experimental studies describing the effect of filling of the middle on contraction and ejection

Carl Ludwig Otto Frank Ernest H. Starling
Numbers in parentheses are references.
Twelvemonth of publication 1886 (3); 1869 (2) 1895 (4); 1898 (5) 1914 (eight,nine); 1926 (11)
Performed at Leipzig, Germany Leipzig, Germany; Munich, Germany London, England
Animate being used Frog Frog Dog
Heart preparation Working, recirculating (3); Closed arrangement pumping into manometer (2) Working centre dependent on preload and afterload Heart-lung training
Parameters measured Force per unit area (two) Pressure level and volume Pressure level, cardiac output, and center volume
Aim of study Consequence of temperature (3); Vagus stimulation (2) Heart as muscle and reliable pressure level recording Application to the mammalian heart
New finding Ejection (3) and contraction aamplitude dependent on filling (2) Curves of isovolumetric and isotonic maxima (5) Regulation of center volume and output by preload and afterload
Consequence described (iii); recorded (2) quantified and visualized equally a graph (5) designated "the police of the heart" (xi)
Connected research focusing on the mechanism? No No Yes

Otto Frank discounted this early piece of work as irrelevant for methodological reasons, since the modified frog heart on which Coats and Bowditch had worked was directly continued to the manometer and pumped the serum into it in a closed organisation (iv). Obviously, he was well aware of these results (Fig. 1) (two,3) obtained at the same institute at which he did about of his experiments. When comparing Fig. 1, in which the contractions are recorded successively, with Fig. 2, left, in which the contractions are reproduced on top of each other, essentially the same miracle is shown. However, Otto Frank never made reference to this similarity. It seems that he was then convinced of the superiority of his improved frog center preparation that he felt justified in disregarding the results of the earlier piece of work.

The centre-lung preparation was the basis of the experiments that led Ernest H. Starling to codify as the law of the eye that "the total energy liberated at each heartbeat is adamant by the diastolic volume of the centre and therefore by the muscle fiber length at the beginning of wrinkle" (11). However, subsequent studies showed that oxygen consumption of the heart is adamant by more factors, such as heart rate, the total tension adult past the myocardium (tension-fourth dimension alphabetize; Ref. 10), superlative wall stress, and peak adult tension (vii).

From the comparing of the studies done past the group of Carl Ludwig, by Otto Frank, and by Ernest H. Starling and his associates (Tabular array i), information technology can be seen that the methodology became successively more refined so that more relevant parameters could be measured. Furthermore, the research changed from full general to focused topics. The early on results at Carl Ludwig's Physiological Institute were obtained while defining the command conditions in the original and in a modified isolated frog heart preparation (thirteen). Otto Frank extended muscle physiology to the heart and subsequently became more interested in methodological problems of pressure recording. Ernest H. Starling, however, focused his enquiry on all possible physiological aspects of the event of diastolic fiber length on center function, culminating in the formulation of the law of the heart (11). However, the original contributions of Elias Cyon (3), Joseph Coats (2), and Henry P. Bowditch (2) while they were working at the Leipzig Physiological Found should as well exist recognized and acknowledged to put the scientific and historical record straight.


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